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Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2004 | 9:15 AM

50 Things

50 Things I Love About Matt

1) He uses Yiddish terms like �shmy� and �chutzpah� even though he is 100% WASP; he looooves Judaism.

2) He has the most beautiful brown eyes I�ve ever seen�huge and warm and framed by thick curly black lashes.

3) He has great taste in music: Black Sabbath, The Beatles, Three Dog Night, The Mamas and The Papas, David Bowie, Beck, Leonard Cohen, The Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, The Pixies and Sonic Youth�the list goes on and on. And he KNOWS his music history.

4) He is honest about how he feels/what�s going on with him all the time.

5) He adores cats

6) He tells great stories

7) He knows how to make whomever he is talking to feel like that person is the most important person in the world, and he doesn�t do it in a fake smarmy way, but is just so genuinely interested in other people that he is able to draw out their best most interesting selves.

8) A corollary to #7: He is a wonderful listener.

9) He does this thing where he sucks on my lower lip and it drives me fucking bonkers.

10) He is a Lord of the Rings junky.

11) He loves ice cream and eats it out of a mug.

12) He uses the term �meshugana cunt� pretty frequently.

13) He is a great cook and likes to make me dinner and loves when I teach him how to make different recipes.

14) Goes without saying but he is a magnificent lover�tender and dominating at the same time. Full of love and violence, gifted with a passionate intuition and sense of timing like no one I�ve ever slept with. And he always makes me feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet when we�re together.

15) He loves Russian history and knows everything there is to know about it.

16) He�s probably the smartest person I�ve ever met.

17) His smile lights up a room.

18) I love his speaking voice, especially when he�s being romantic. He speaks in this low honeyed suggestive tone that makes me shiver with lust.

19) He has this wonderful catty gossipy side which manages to be witty and cutting but entirely lacking in mean spiritedness.

20) He is so independent and self sufficient and ambitious; he knows how to navigate the real world in a pragmatic fashion.

21) He works hard and actually saves money (this is a foreign concept to me.) He always has a several hundred dollar surplus in his bank account.

22) He is the best rhythm guitarist I�ve ever known personally.

23) He has hair like wheat when the morning sun hits it and I love to run my fingers through it.

24) I love how he putters around his apartment in pajamas and slippers like an adorable old man who happens to resemble a Botticelli angel.

25) Even when he�s being a brat there�s something so endearing about him that you just cannot be mad at him.

26) He likes chick flicks like Fried Green Tomatoes.

27) Out of the blue he comes up with metaphors that crystallize any given

situation down to its most basic truth.

28) His insight into the psychological motivations of both himself and other

people is penetrating to a degree that I have never witnessed before.

29) He�s a brilliant songwriter. There's no need to even say anything other than that about it. He's a fucking genius.

30) He has the perfect combination of idealistic Romanticism and sarcastic snark.

31) He keeps me on my toes all the time and never lets me be bored; I never know what to expect from him but at the same time I feel totally safe and completely secure in his love and devotion.

32) Sexually, he�s got a dark and naughty side that is totally bewitching.

33) His singing voice is so sexy and vulnerable and supple.

34) He doesn�t mind passing a day just doing nothing but hanging around and watching movies and making love; he may be a type A personality when it comes to work and his creative endeavors but he knows how to fucking relax when it�s called for.

35) He is understanding and forgiving of the foibles and faults of his loved ones, yet still pushes them in a loving way to confront their demons.

36) He wants to be the very best person he can be and isn�t afraid of confronting his dark side in pursuit of that goal.

37) I love how he looks when he smokes a cigarette�he�s the picture of elegance and sophistication.

38) I love that he makes me tea.

39) I love that he makes me want to be a better person in a way that I have never before wanted to before.

40) I love how to segueways consistently from one topic of conversation to another in a manner that is both random and yet oddly logical.

41) I love that he doesn�t realize that he�s such an incredible human being.

42) I love that he�s fascinated by glitz and glamour but is down to earth enough to know how to put such things in their proper place.

43) I love how safe and taken care of I feel when I�m in his arms.

44) He�s a wonderful benevolent leader.

45) I love his body�everything about it. I love the shapeliness of his legs and the arch of his back. I love his chest and his shoulders. I love how he moves, too.

46) This goes along with #29, but nobody has ever had such a complete understanding of my voice and how to write for it.

47) I love that he lets me love him and take care of him.

48) He embodies all of the �good� qualities I associate with masculinity but not the �bad� ones. And he�s also not afraid of embracing his vulnerable "feminine� side.

49) He makes the whole world seem like a better more just, infinitely more colorful place.

50) And finally, I love him because there�s something between us that can�t possibly be put into words, or categorized on a list�something profound and divine, an alchemical element that has revolutionized my life and is something for which I�ll always be grateful.

time capsule from heaven - Sunday, Aug. 21, 2011
31 - Saturday, Mar. 15, 2008
Dead/Alive - Monday, Mar. 10, 2008
Do not trustTIAA-CREF-- they are fucking their customers - Friday, Jul. 28, 2006
Shilling - Tuesday, Jul. 11, 2006

Before After
Dieses ist, wer ich bin Le SAGA! Conform! O The Vanity! My birthday is March 15th.  Please buy me something. I am your host!

Anna/Female/26-30. Lives in United States/Massachusetts/Boston/Cambridge Harvard Square, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection. And likes acting/music.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, Massachusetts, Boston, Cambridge Harvard Square, English, Anna, Female, 26-30, acting, music.