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March 21, 2003 | 10:50 AM

"You and me and the stereo"

I am a serial monogamist in terms of music. I fall hopelessly in love with one artist or band listening to them almost exclusively for a period ranging from a week to several months. Then I get sick of them and move on to the next big love. I recycle these obsessions again and again. For instance, once a year or so, I find my way back to my first real musical love, The Beatles. So in a sense, I am true blue.

Here is a protracted list of my music obsessions over the past couple years:

Marvin Gaye

David Bowie

Sleater Kinney

PJ Harvey

Aimee Mann

Jefferson Airplane (don�t laugh�they�re amazing, at least they were before they became Starship.)

The Raincoats

They Might Be Giants

The Dresden Dolls

The Cake Kitchen

Elliot Smith

Stevie Wonder

Etta James

Gang of Four

Belle and Sebastian

The Beach Boys (but only Pet Sounds)



The Cure


New Order

Duran Duran

Siouxsie and the Banshees

Grant Lee Buffalo

And now, my musical obsession has turned to Sean�s CD which I cannot stop listening to.

There are so many wonderful songs on it. It�s romantic and vulnerable and also rockin� as hell. You and Me and The Stereo is now officially my favorite song of the year.

It�s weird to be obsessed with someone�s music whom you know and love dearly. Kinda� embarrassing to be suddenly a fan and have the kind of ridiculous crush you�d have on say Lou Reed. And what�s weirder is he was a fan of us when we were performing actively.

I said this before and I�ll say it again�if you want me to send you a copy of Sean�s CD and perhaps some of my own shiite from my previous band, email me yer snailmail address. I plan on putting all shit together shortly and sending out packages. Take me up on this, people. I ain�t just spoutin� off �cause I happen to adore the guy more than just about anything in the whole world. He happens to be the real deal. Some of his songs are fucking ingenious lo-fi pop masterpieces. I�ve already gotten several requests, and I hope they keep coming in �cause I wanna spread around some beauty in these days of fear and sadness.


So yesterday, me and Kelly and Jonee went to the rally in Government Center. There were lots of people there and lots of signs and some chanting and drumming. The whole thing depressed me though. I think it�s great that everyone is showing up for these events, and at the very least it�s making others aware that there is indeed opposition to this senseless war. But what are we really doing but milling around for peace? What is this accomplishing? It made me feel helpless. We need to have some kind of march on Washington to the Capitol Building. We need to do something really big. Obviously, the government isn't going to listen to us just pansying around with our little cardboard signs and flowers.

Don�t get me wrong�these protests are still something and I�m going to keep going to them. I hope you will too. But I just wish there was more we could do.

There�s a rally tonight in Copley Square at 6:30 and one tomorrow in Boston Common at 11:30AM. Make a good sign and come out to show your support.


After the protest, Jonee and Kelly and I went to Foley�s for a couple beers and chilled and laughed and drank. It was nice�I hadn�t seen either of them in what felt like forever.

I love friends.

When I got home, I talked to my grandma on the phone for an hour and a half. I miss my grandparents so much. They mean the world to me. They�re both so bright and funny and progressive.

And then I watched Chuck �n� Buck which I adore more and more each time I see it.


I�m really really tired right now and glad the weekend is imminent.

I have rehearsal Sunday and also Mr. Wonderful will be back this weekend from Illinois so I may continue my lusting for his delicious body and great giant brain.

Even though I just made out with someone like two weeks ago, it feels as though I haven�t had any action in awhile. I want to make out with someone bad. I want a good hott kissing session. Any takers?

Oh, also Read this excellent Guradian editorial on The Media

time capsule from heaven - Sunday, Aug. 21, 2011
31 - Saturday, Mar. 15, 2008
Dead/Alive - Monday, Mar. 10, 2008
Do not trustTIAA-CREF-- they are fucking their customers - Friday, Jul. 28, 2006
Shilling - Tuesday, Jul. 11, 2006

Before After
Dieses ist, wer ich bin Le SAGA! Conform! O The Vanity! My birthday is March 15th.  Please buy me something. I am your host!

Anna/Female/26-30. Lives in United States/Massachusetts/Boston/Cambridge Harvard Square, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection. And likes acting/music.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, Massachusetts, Boston, Cambridge Harvard Square, English, Anna, Female, 26-30, acting, music.