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Monday, Oct. 04, 2004 | 3:37 PM

Guiness Book of World Records

The show on Thursday was sparsely attended. At our previous show we�d almost sold out the room. This one being in Quincy and all, did not have much of an audience. But it was the most fun I�ve ever had at one of my own shows hands down. The other two bands, The Ferns and Aloud both absolutely rocked. I enjoyed the hell out of watching them. Nice kids too. Lots of fraternizing. I hate to say this but there are so many bands in this town that just suck, and even if they�re �good�, in Boston, music is either really brainy and esoteric (elitist liberal arts degree wielding indie rock) or aggressive but regimented working class punk. Neither of those things are bad, but it�s seldom I see anything that really excites me. Both the Ferns and Aloud blew me away. Great night.

Friday at work was crazy busy and I thought my head was going to explode but it made the end of the day when I could get the fuck out and go grocery shopping that much better. I�ve gotten very into grocery shopping and just generally keeping a household together since Matt has moved in. We cook together and do little house projects all the time and I never thought I would enjoy doing it so much, but there you have it�I have become thoroughly domesticated. I find a lot of joy in really simple things. I guess that�s what love does for you. It took me 27 years to realize that, but I�m glad I have.

When Matt got home I made him dinner�a pasta casserole with veggies and homemade sauce and cheese. It was completely delicious. We drank some wine and then we watched one of the Faerie Tale Theatre productions we had rented�Mick Jagger starring in The Nightingale-- totally awesome. We went to sleep very early because we were zonked from the show the previous evening.

On Saturday we woke up and made love and we had some bagels and cheerios and watched the other Faerie Tale Theatre tape, Beauty and the Beast with Susan Sarandon and Klaus Kinski (dude�it fucking RULED.) and then we walked to the library so Matt could get a book for class. I got a BPL card and we took out a couple of videos�one on the history of witchcraft and a documentary on Elvis Prestley.

After the Library we walked to Harvard Square and wandered around, eating lunch at Charlie�s and then we walked up the Charles River and talked a lot and made out and it was very romantic. At around 3:30 we went to the Harvard Pool and swam for an hour and half. I love going swimming�it puts me in such a great mood and it�s fantastic exercise but it doesn�t feel like exercise.

After swimming Matt and I called his Mom and Dad and talked to them for awhile. Then we had leftover pasta casserole for dinner and watched the History of Witchcraft.

On the documentary there were lots of pictures of ancient fertility goddesses�these voluptuous heavy set round women. And I gasped because they look exactly like me and they are fucking hott. Matt remarked as such and then he got all frisky and we made love for the rest of the night until we went to bed, taking short breaks here and there.

On Saturday I had a total of 15 orgasms.

Before we went to bed that night we ate some opera cake and snuggled while watching Coal Miner�s Daughter which is about Loretta Lynn and gets high marks from me�great movie.

Sunday morning we woke up and I made a huge breakfast�eggs, and bacon and bagels and home fries and we talked for awhile. Then Matt went into the living room where he had �alone guitar time� and he wrote another song (he�s been on a huge creative kick lately�we have so much new material. We already have two whole albums worth) while I alphabetized all my CD�s.

When he emerged, Matt had written a country song for me to sing that�s about how we met and feel in love and are getting married. It was so romantic I almost cried. We played some guitar and sang Beatles songs and then I went off to write a treatise about punk rock versus the 60�s counterculture, and about how iconoclasts transcend �scenes� (maybe I�ll post it when I finish. I love writing rock criticism.) And while I did that, Matt watched his Black Sabbath DVD. After awhile I showed him my progress on the rough draft of my rock treatise and he gave me a look I will never forget and told me I was his brilliant beautiful wonderful wife. He petted and fawned over me for awhile, and I him�we have a mutual admiration society bordering on the narcissistic (�We really are the best couple in the world, hands down.�) Then he made love to me and I had another five orgasm; I wonder if I can get into the Guinness Book of World Records for this?

I made dinner�cheeseburgers with saut�ed peppers and onions and baked tomatoe slices on fresh bagels, and parmesan garlic mashed potatoes. After eating we listened to music and cuddled for awhile and then we went to bed.

So I am the luckiest gal in Boston and I�m marrying the luckiest guy in Boston and the world is a beautiful place and everything else is just gravy. And quite frankly, I absolutely deserve all of this wonderfulness and I ain�t taking any of it for granted.

The End.

time capsule from heaven - Sunday, Aug. 21, 2011
31 - Saturday, Mar. 15, 2008
Dead/Alive - Monday, Mar. 10, 2008
Do not trustTIAA-CREF-- they are fucking their customers - Friday, Jul. 28, 2006
Shilling - Tuesday, Jul. 11, 2006

Before After
Dieses ist, wer ich bin Le SAGA! Conform! O The Vanity! My birthday is March 15th.  Please buy me something. I am your host!

Anna/Female/26-30. Lives in United States/Massachusetts/Boston/Cambridge Harvard Square, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection. And likes acting/music.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, Massachusetts, Boston, Cambridge Harvard Square, English, Anna, Female, 26-30, acting, music.