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December 17, 2002 | 4:44 PM

What's so funny 'bout pease love and understanding?

Here are some things I would like to point out.

1. I was sent home from work last Monday by N. I would have stayed, but she told me to go. So I did. I went directly home and called the doctor.

2. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and had a 103 degree fever. I had to have chest x-rays. I was diagnosed with bacterial bronchitis.

3. I stayed home Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as I was told I should by my doctor. However, I kept in contact with my office much of the time�consistently checking emails and updating my colleagues as to what was wrong. and did a good three-four hours of work from home over those days.

4. I went into the office on Saturday for seven hours and got a shit load of work done, probably accomplishing more than I otherwise would have while people are asking me for things all day.

5. I have not used all of my sick days by any means. Since I started working here, I have maybe called into work twice for stupid reasons like I got drunk the night before and was too hungover to come in. I have also not taken anywhere near the amount of vacation time I am entitled to take.

All of these things considered I am really fucking annoyed right now. Yes I do lead an intense life style and yes that probably did have something to do with me getting sick. Yes, working sixty hour weeks at two different jobs is a lot when coupled with going to school. Yes maybe going on several multi day fasts in a row wasn�t smart. Yes, maybe drinking enough to pickle the remains of an overfilled mortuary on several occasions wasn�t ingenious.

I wasn�t at all annoyed when N. sent me the email saying she was concerned about my health and maybe I ought to slow down a bit both for my sake and for the sake of the office (which by the way�I am a stellar employee. I have never gotten less than a stunning evaluation. I have never fucked up or been in trouble at this job EVER.)

So then what the FUCK just happened today? Since I have been back at work, I have been coming in at 7:30 AM and leaving at 5 PM and only taking diaryland breaks, not even a real lunch. I have completed on time every project that has been given to me.

This afternoon, N. comes into my office and out of the blue says,

January is going to be a really rough month so you can�t get sick.

I was a little thrown. I said,

I understand. I�ll try to be very careful

(again this is kind of stupid since as I stated, I have not taken all of my sick days even)

And she says,

I need you to be well and if you can�t be I�m going to have to talk to human resources and we�re going to have to make different arrangements.

(as in implying my job was at stake)

OK. What the FUCK was that?

Is it even legal to say that to someone? I�ve always gotten along really well with N. And I like my job. I don�t think I�ve ever really complained about it on diaryland or anywhere else before. It�s a great job and I�m feeling sort of thrown that this just happened. I guess I haven�t been treated like shit since I left the Stupid Company and being in that position just really pushes my buttons.

S. (my other boss) told me awhile ago that when N. acts this way it has nothing usually to do with me or anyone else. That�s she�s just blowing off steam. But Christ that just seemed really shady.

I�d think she would�ve been happy that she has an employee who comes in on the weekends to make up sick time and shows up half an hour early and stays an hour late the week after she�s sick to make sure everything is taken care of.

OK�I�ll stop bitching now. It�s a waste of energy. Everybody deserves to be a bitch sometimes. I�ll let N. slide on this.

time capsule from heaven - Sunday, Aug. 21, 2011
31 - Saturday, Mar. 15, 2008
Dead/Alive - Monday, Mar. 10, 2008
Do not trustTIAA-CREF-- they are fucking their customers - Friday, Jul. 28, 2006
Shilling - Tuesday, Jul. 11, 2006

Before After
Dieses ist, wer ich bin Le SAGA! Conform! O The Vanity! My birthday is March 15th.  Please buy me something. I am your host!

Anna/Female/26-30. Lives in United States/Massachusetts/Boston/Cambridge Harvard Square, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection. And likes acting/music.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, Massachusetts, Boston, Cambridge Harvard Square, English, Anna, Female, 26-30, acting, music.