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January 25, 2002 | 9:15 AM

To All the Homes I've Loved Before (Part 3)

This is part three of the entries about all the apartments in which I�ve lived since moving back to Boston

3A) #### Com Ave: Epilogue to a Hellish Six Months

So a couple of things happened the day before I moved out of the apartment.

The first thing that happened was John broke up with me.

Yeah. After all that.

He said he didn�t find me attractive anymore, and he wanted to be with someone more �normal�-- not a chronically devastated outcast like myself.

He didn�t use those words exactly, but that�s what he meant.

There wasn�t much to discuss. He said he didn�t love me. And I guess I knew that he probably never had. I had moved heaven and earth to be with him. I left Rochester NY with a duffel bag and 25 dollars to be with him. I had braved homelessness and domestic abuse just to be near him because I had never ever loved someone so fiercely in my whole life. And it had all been a waste. I felt like a devout Catholic whose faith is the center of his life and one day he wakes up and realizes there is no God.

Cardboard boxes full of junk I didn�t have a home for were strewn all around us. He could barely meet my gaze. He knew what a bastard he was. But it didn�t change anything.

After awhile John left. He said he�d be back tomorrow to help me move my shit out. After all he�d promised.

Yeah, you promised a lot of things, didn�t you?

The second thing that happened the day before I moved out of the apartment was that I started throwing up. Like for instance if I smelled something strong � say Penny�s peach body lotion, I would be overwhelmed by nausea.

I had only felt that way once before.


I took the test three hours after John dumped me. It was positive. I threw it against the bathroom wall. I sat down on the toilet seat and sobbed.

Overwhelmed by sorrow and the weight of failure I contemplated slitting my wrists. I was such a fuck up. And I was indignant at the unfairness of it all. I had used protection for chrissakes. I knew people that fucked all the time sans condoms and never had this problem.

But those people didn�t have my luck, and I should have known better. This would be the second time. The second abortion.

No baby. No boyfriend. No house.

I was moving out of my apartment to nowhere. This guy Wendell from work had agreed to store all my shit in his basement until I found a home. I wanted to say, screw all my shit dude. Just store me in your basement.

Penny�s parents had rented her a studio apartment. The studio was a punk rock closet with 70�s rec room type wood paneled walls in Kenmore near the Ratt. She told me I was welcome to crash there. I said I�d probably take her up on that offer at some point, but I didn�t really want to. Although Alex�s parents had gotten him his own studio down by Symphony Hall, I had an inkling he�d be over at her place all the time; she was afraid to completely break it off with him.

The thought of all three of us sleeping in that tiny little room made me sick to my stomach. I would rather sleep in the airport again.

If all of this wasn�t enough, I began running a fever and coughing up green stuff.

The whole situation was so absurd that in between crying jags and coughing fits, I would go into gales of laughter. I mean, this was right out of a 1940�s melodrama about what happens to Bad Girls�I had become a cross between Stella Dallas and Nancy Spungeon. If a screenwriter pitched this idea to a studio, he would be told it was just too much�nobody has a day this bad.

Around 11 O� clock that night I got a phone call from Eric. Angus had told him about my situation.

Why don�t you stay with me and Krist? You can stay as long as you like.

And so I was saved.

Sort of.

So I ran faster
But it caught me here
Yes my loyalties turned
Like my ankle
In the seventh grade
Running after Billy
Running after the rain

These precious things
Let them bleed, let them wash away
These precious things
Let them break, their hold over me

He said you're really an ugly girl
But I like the way you play
And I died
But I thanked him
Can you believe that sick
Holding on to his picture
Dressing up every day

I wanna smash the faces
Of those beautiful boys
Those Christian boys
So you can make me cum
That doesn't make you Jesus

These precious things
Let them bleed, let them wash away
These precious things
Let them break, their hold over me

I remember, yes
In my peach party dress
No one dared
No one cared to tell me
Where the pretty girls are
Those demigods
With their nine-inch nails
And little fascist panties
Tucked inside the heart of every nice girl

These precious things
Let them bleed, let them wash away
These precious things
Let them break, their hold over me

time capsule from heaven - Sunday, Aug. 21, 2011
31 - Saturday, Mar. 15, 2008
Dead/Alive - Monday, Mar. 10, 2008
Do not trustTIAA-CREF-- they are fucking their customers - Friday, Jul. 28, 2006
Shilling - Tuesday, Jul. 11, 2006

Before After
Dieses ist, wer ich bin Le SAGA! Conform! O The Vanity! My birthday is March 15th.  Please buy me something. I am your host!

Anna/Female/26-30. Lives in United States/Massachusetts/Boston/Cambridge Harvard Square, speaks English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection. And likes acting/music.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, Massachusetts, Boston, Cambridge Harvard Square, English, Anna, Female, 26-30, acting, music.